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Many scientific projects need time to achieve results. The aim of this new programme is to offer organizers an opportunity to share advances on a common project by taking stock once or twice a year, during a key week at Cirm, and do this for several years in a row.

  • Cirm’s international Scientific Committee will study proposals, either during one of their bi-annual meetings or at a special dedicated meeting.
  • Joint agreements will then be signed between the selected proposers and Cirm.
  • One year before the first event is to take place, an oral presentation will take place in front of the Scientific Committee, in order to fine-tune the project.
Multi-year programme 1: « Mathematics » 
The main objective of this programme is to undertake research in all ambitious areas of mathematics and IT, whether they fall into pure research or applied research. The team of investigators will gather mathematicians and/or computer scientists.

Multi-year programme 2: « Mathematics in Interaction » 

The main objective of this programme, aimed at cross-disciplinary projects, is to develop mathematical tools in cooperation with other sciences (physics, medicine, biology, economics etc.) in order to meet current and future societal challenges.  The proposal must have an equal number of maths specialists and experts in other disciplines.


Unless specified otherwise, please note that all sections should be completed in English
Note that you will have to complete some sections online. Other parts will ask you to upload one pdf file per type of information requested.
You can fill in the application in various steps. You can save, leave the application and then come back later, until the deadline. Please remember to save on a regular basis. The form can be filled in by several investigators.

For each year you wish to stage an event, you will be asked to fill in separate sections that include type of event, title, dates, duration, members of a scientific committee, members of the organization committee, list of potential speakers.  CIRM asks proposers and organizers to take into account gender representation in all committees and lists. You will also be asked to upload one detailed description per event (pdf).
NB: If you wish to just apply for one year (an end of grant year for example) and meet a problem when continuing with the application, just repeat the information from Year 1 in all other years.

Multi-year programme 1: « Mathematics »

  • General title of the proposed project
  • Main area of mathematics (tick box) or complete online if ‘other’.
  • Fill in detailed identification of minimum 2 and up to 3 Principal Investigators. Upload a CV/resume (pdf) and list of publications (pdf) for each person.
  • Fill in detailed identification of minimum 2 and up to 4 Co-investigators. Upload a CV/resume (pdf) and list of publications (pdf) for each person.
  • Upload a detailed description of the project (2 to 4 pages) (pdf)
  • Optional event(s): you will be able to upload a document giving a description of any other additional event you may want to hold in any one year.
  • Funding pre-commitment (pdf) : please upload a detailed financial plan covering all costs at Cirm during the 3 years (with the origin of the funds : ANR, ERC, etc.). To find out about rates at Cirm, click here.
  • Optional : any additional information you wish to provide (pdf)
Multi-year programme 2: « Mathematics in Interaction » 
  • General title of the proposed project
  • Main areas : for mathematics (tick box) and for the other discipline (fill in details)
  • Fill in detailed identification of maximum 4 Principal Investigators. Upload a CV/resume (pdf) and list of publications (pdf) for each person. You must choose an equal number of mathematicians & experts in another discipline.
  • Fill in detailed identification of maximum 4 Co-investigators. Upload a  CV/resume (pdf) and list of publications (pdf) for each. You must choose an equal number of mathematicians & experts in another discipline.
  • Upload a detailed description of the project (2 to 4 pages) (pdf)
  • Optional event(s): you will be able to upload a document giving a description of any other additional event you may want to hold in any one year.
  • Funding pre-commitment (pdf) : please upload a detailed financial plan covering all costs at CIRM during the 3 years (with the origin of the funds : ANR, ERC, etc.). To find out about rates at Cirm, click here.
  • Optional : any additional information you wish to provide (pdf)

Proposals can be sent throughout the year




  Olivia Barbarroux
  Events Coordinator
  Contact: +33 (0)4 91 83 30 03
  Fax: +33 (0)4 91 41 27 86

For any scientific and practical information:  contact the Events Coordinator

For any IT problem with the application: contact the IT Coordinator