Programmes and Calls for Proposals




Opening date: 1 December 2023 – Deadline date: 1 February 2024
Announcement date: 15 February 2024


The programmes  « Conférences or Research Schools »,  « Multi-year programme »,  « Thematic Months »,
 « Institutional Weeks »,  « CEMRACS » et  « CIRM-IHP Schools » (described below) are accessible via a call for proposals opened twice a year. Applications are submitted to the Cirm international scientific committee.

In an eco-responsible approach, to limit our carbon footprint, we wish to develop two new modes of meetings, especially for researchers coming from outside Europe: the mirror conferences and the Fortnight events. 
Mirror conferences 
We would like to experiment the organization of events that would take place simultaneously at CIRM and in a partner center that is already ready to join us (IMPA – Rio, CMM – Santiago, BIRS – Canada, and RIMS – Tokyo). The participants from each continent would be grouped together in one center, with the objective of having common presentations but also moments of exchange between colleagues in the same place. CIRM has all the technical and human means to implement this experience.

Fortnight Events
CIRM strongly encourages organizers to think of their events at CIRM over a 15-day period rather than a week. These « Fortnight Events » could be either a one-week research school followed by a conference, or a two-week conference, or a conference followed by workshops in smaller groups, etc. 

Programmes  « Workshops, Residence, CIRM-AIMS Residence and IRIGS »
can be sent thoughout the year.



Cirm supports a variety of conferences and research schools in mathematical sciences and their interactions and in theoretical physics. These events bring together a large number of researchers from 50 to 90 participants. The research schools must bring together at least 50% of young researchers. The duration is 5 days from Monday to Friday.

Participants have the opportunity to present their work and discuss recent results in their field. They can initiate new collaborations and share their ideas and knowledge.

Each year, Cirm supports about 35 events of this type and the average participation reaches about 75 participants per week. The selection is made by the Cirm’s international scientific committee, after submitted the application file.

Funding: Financial support from Cirm covering accommodation and meals is allocated up to a maximum of 40 participants. The total support of « 40 » is committed on the condition that at least 60 participants are included in the event and accomodated at Cirm. External funding must therefore be found for additional participants who may also come with their own funds. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


Time for research

These programs are intended for researchers whose scientific project requires more time and more visibility in the long term to succeed and become a reality.

Two types of programmes are available.

  • Programme  1 : Mathematics > This program aims to develop research in any ambitious area of mathematics/computer science research, whether it is fundamental or applied.
  • Programme 2 : Mathematics in Interactions > The main objective of this programme, aimed at cross-disciplinary projects, is to develop mathematical tools in cooperation with other sciences (physics, medicine, biology, economics etc.) in order to meet current and future societal challenges. 

These programmes, generally scheduled over 3 years, take the form of a one-week appointment per year at the Cirm – or more depending on the objectives of the holders. 

Funding : These projects will need to be supported by external funds. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


Cirm proposes to the local community of mathematicians to organize each year in February a « thematic month » around a theme of their choice (Statistics, Probability, Cryptography, Dynamical systems etc). The format of this month is composed of weeks of conferences and weeks of research schools (5 weeks maximum). The thematic month can sometimes share its research theme with the Jean-Morlet Chair semester offered at the same time, thus allowing exchanges, coupled funding and an even greater international opening. The proposals are studied and selected by the Cirm’s international scientific committee.

​Funding : Financial support from Cirm can be obtained for all or part of the weeks (to be checked with the Events and Budget Coordinators). It covers accommodation and meals at the Cirm and can be allocated up to a maximum of 40 participants in a week. The total support of « 40 » is committed on the condition of hosting at least 60 participants in the week in question and accomodated at Cirm. External funding must therefore be found for additional participants, who may also come from their own funds. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


CIRM reserves two weeks per year to host introductory or conclusive weeks for certain thematic trimesters of the Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris). Detailed applications must be submitted to Cirm and are studied by its scientific committee.

Funding : Financial support covering accommodation and meals at Cirm can be awarded up to a maximum of 40 participants. The total support of « 40 » is committed on the condition that at least 60 participants are included in the event and accomodated at Cirm . External funding must therefore be found for additional participants, who may also come from their own funds. and accomodated at Cirmand accomodated at Cirm In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


Every summer, CIRM hosts a 6-week programme proposed, organized and financed by the French Applied and Industrial Mathematical Society (SMAI) : CEMRACS (Advanced research in scientific calculation). The application is prepared with the SMAI and submitted to the Cirm international scientific committee. The candidates selected in the first round (study of the application) then have a hearing with the scientific committee 18 months before the beginning of the summer school in question.

: CEMRACS is partially sponsored by CIRM. Grants from external funds are required to supplement the funding. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


These weeks are primarily intended for groups of professionals working with mathematicians on a daily basis. They are for example the « Groupements de Services (GDS) » of CNRS: RNBM (National Network of Mathematics Libraries), MATHRICE (computer services), AUDIMATH (Around the diffusion of mathematics).

CIRM is of course open to other groups wishing to host institutional weeks, whether they come from France or from abroad. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Event Coordinator.

Funding : Partial subsidy by CIRM (exact amount to be negotiated with the Event and Budget Offices). Additional external funding must be found. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


CIRM created this semester-long programme in order to extend its cooperation with international researchers, offering them the opportunity to hold a a six-month residential position, during which they collaborate with a local project leader from Aix-Marseille University or from the FRUMAM Maths Federation. Each semester focuses on a different area of mathematical sciences while following a similar general structure that combines the organization of at least 4 scientific events (2 large events and up to 4 smaller events) with a programme of invitations aimed at attracting international researchers to Provence. The online proposal is evaluated by CIRM’s international scientific committee. An oral presentation also takes place if the project is selected.

Funding: The Chair benefits from specific funding from various sponsors (exact details on the dedicated website).  Holders are also requested to look for additional international co-funders and, to this end, can benefit from administrative support from the International Coordinator.




In parallel of conferences and research schools, Cirm hosts the organization of workshops that can include from 5 to 50 people. These 2 to 5 days meetings offer participants the opportunity to work on a particular research area or problem. The format is particularly well-adapted to projects funded for example by the CNRS Groupements de recherche (GDR) or by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). They can also be the perfect way to organize a celebratory event (e.g. « Lagrange Days » or « 30 Years of Wavelets »).

Contrary to most CIRM events, which must be organized at least two years in advance, the workshops are held in a « thoughout the year » format, which allows applications to be submitted at any time. The Cirm’s international scientific council studies the proposals and makes its decision 4 to 6 weeks after receipt.

Funding : This program does not receive a dedicated grant from Cirm and must therefore be financed through external funding. In 2026, the cost of a week’s full board at Cirm for one participant will be approximately 635 euros.


Research in residence » brings together small groups of participants (2 to 4) to conduct joint research in the stimulating atmosphere of Cirm, to work together on a specific project, such as the finalization of an article or a book, the study of a particular problem, the launching or continuation of a collaborative work, etc.

They generally take place over 1 or 2 weeks (exceptionally 3 under certain conditions), depending on the needs of the project and the availability of residencies at Cirm on the requested dates.

Contrary to most CIRM events, which must be organized at least two years in advance, the workshops are held in a « thoughout the year » format, which allows applications to be submitted at any time. The Cirm’s international scientific council studies the proposals and makes its decision 4 to 6 weeks after receipt.

Funding : up to 3 non-local participants can be fully subsidized by the Cirm for board and lodging for 1 or 2 weeks.

The « CIRM-AIMS Research in Pairs » project has been selected in the framework of the 2021 call for projects « Support for Collaborations with Sub-Saharan Africa » of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Resulting from a collaboration between the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) and the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), the « Research in Pairs » project will promote intense research activity (work on new results, progress or completion of a publication) and will offer two-week invitations for each selected group, composed of at least one researcher based in a CNRS unit in France and another researcher based in Sub-Saharan Africa .

These stays will allow the winning teams to conduct joint research, to work together on a specific project, such as the finalization of an article or a book, the study of a particular problem, the launch or continuation of a collaborative work, etc.

See the press release and discover AIMS: The « CIRM-AIMS Research in Residence » project selected as part of CNRS « Support for Collaboration with Sub-Saharan Africa » programme