Directeur’s welcome note

CIRM: a breeding ground for talent, a mathematical melting pot!

CIRM is quite a unique place. At the heart of the Parc des Calanques, it is entirely dedicated to welcome researchers from around the world who meet here. Scientists can work together, exchange ideas, share their knowledge and advance the key issues of our discipline. They can also develop ambitious projects with the other sciences and pass on their knowledge and findings to young researchers and doctoral students. 

CIRM is a breeding ground for talent, a melting pot of mathematical cultures. The particularity of our center is its residential character. Here, the researcher lives in total immersion with his group. He sleeps, eats and works at Cirm. This proximity favors exchanges. The participants, who are entirely taken care of by Cirm’s administrative and residential teams, can focus exclusively on their own scientific projects.


Combining hospitality and scientific policies

Under the supervision of the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille Université, with the solid support of the Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation, the LabEx Carmin* and the Institut Archimède, Cirm has been, for nearly 40 years, a tool of excellence at the service of the French school of mathematics and of researchers from all over the world. It’s one of the world’s leading mathematical meeting centers in terms of attendance, with more than 4,500 researchers hosted each year. Cirm’s international scientific committee ensures the quality of the events organized and selects the recipients of the Jean Morlet Chair semesters. The high scientific level and the quality of the services provided by Cirm make it internationally attractive and influential.

The projects in which it participates within this framework allow it to develop its scientific objectives, to face the international competition and to reinforce its role and its missions.

Building on its success, CIRM welcomed over 4,700 participants in 2019, thanks to additional hosting capacities.

In response to the pandemic that hit the world in 2020, CIRM was able to adapt and accelerate its digital transformation by setting up virtual and hybrid conferences so that science may continue to develop and be transmitted. Top-of-the-range equipment makes it possible to implement new formats. In addition, the teams at CIRM work alongside the organizers and speakers of workshops, so that technical issues are quickly resolved and do not hinder the dissemination of knowledge.

We wish all our visitors an excellent and enriching stay with us and enjoyable exchanges, whether physically present at CIRM or at a distance!


* CARMIN (Centres d’Accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales)

Pascal HUBERT est Directeur du Cirm depuis le 1er septembre 2020

Key dates

1969 : Born in Toulon
1995: Thesis in mathematics at the University of Aix-Marseille II, now Aix-Marseille University
1995 to 2005: Senior lecturer at Aix Marseille University
Since 2005 : Professor at Aix Marseille University
2012 to 2017: Director of the FRUMAM
2018 to August 2020: Director of the Mathematics Institute of Marseille
2020 : Director of CIRM


CNRS Info : « Tous les mathématiciens passent au Cirm une fois dans leur vie »

Site web de la SMF : « Patrick Foulon passe la main à Pascal Hubert »

Interview in 2017 (in French, subtitled version available on YouTube)