Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination charter at CIRM
All persons participating in CIRM activities agree to be familiar with this charter.
The Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) promotes international cooperation through intellectual openness and fosters an intercultural approach of solidarity and inclusion. Scientists from all over the world and of all origins meet here on site at Luminy. Scientific exchange requires the ability to open up to an international and intercultural dialogue with tolerance and benevolence.
CIRM and its trustees (CNRS, Aix-Marseille University and the Société Mathématique de France) are actively committed to prevent all forms of discrimination, whether based on ethnic, national or social origin, physical characteristics, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age, etc.
Discriminatory attitudes, harassment, abuse of dominant positions and acts of repression are prohibited in accordance with the Management of our institution. Following behavior is inadmissible:
- Discriminatory Jokes;
- Personal insults, especially of a discriminatory nature;
- Physical threat or aggressive behaviour;
- Psychological pressure;
- Unconsented solicitations of emotional or physical intimacy;
- Undesired physical contact.
Hierarchies (manifest or presupposed) in the research community can often lead to difficulties in expressing discomfort.
If you are doubting about a concrete situation? Please find advice here:
If you have been victim or witness of a situation of discrimination or harassment, you can get in touch with the referent of your choice:
Pascal Hubert (office at Bastide entrance on right), Carolin Pfaff (office at Bastide entrance straight ahead) or Stéphanie Vareilles (office at the library). In case of absence or temporary unavailability, do not hesitate to send a message to:
You do not need to specify the exact nature of your request. A first appointment will be proposed within 24 hours.
Our referents provide attention and assistance to each case and advice on possible next steps. Their doors are open without any restriction.
Sexual and moral harassment are offenses under French law. CIRM is committed to respond firmly to inappropriate behavior and to report all cases to its trustees, who will decide on possible legal consequences.