Administrative council
The administrative council meets twice a year. Its role is to validate the selection made by the scientific committee concerning the Cirm’s scientific activities, to vote the budgets and to take part in the decisions concerning the management of Cirm, including human resources and renovation or construction projects.

Current members of the adminstrative council
- Isabelle Gallagher, President of the Société Mathématique de France (SMF)
- Samir ADLY, President of the Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
- Christophe BESSE, Director of INSMI (Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs interactions), CNRS*
- Eric BERTON, President of Aix-Marseille Université*
- Thomas DREYFUS, Treasurer of the SMF
- Thierry GOUDON, Representing the DGRI (Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation)
- Laurence MOURET, Doyen de l’UFR des Sciences, Aix-Marseille Université
- Aurélie PHILIPPE, Déléguée régionale Provence et Corse du CNRS
- Magali RIBOT, Scientific expert
- The Mayor of the City of Marseille*
- The President of the Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône*
- The President of the Region Sud*
(* or their representative)
Advisory Members
- Françoise DAL’BO, President of the Scientific Committee, CIRM
- Nathalie GRANOTTIER, Librarian and Staff representative, CIRM
- Pascal HUBERT, CIRM’ director
Invited members
- Stéphane BALLET, Representing the Maison de la SMF – Pôle de Luminy
- Olivia BARBARROUX, Event Coordinator, CIRM
- Joëlle KATCHADOURIAN, PA & Finance Coordinator, CIRM
- Carolin PFAFF, International Cooperation Officer, Jean-Morlet Chair, CIRM
- Sophie RIBE ROSSI, Administrative Manager, CIRM
- Stéphanie VAREILLES, Communications – AV Production Coordinator, CIRM
Contact :
Administrative council’s organization
Joëlle Katchadourian
PA & Finance Coordinator, CIRM
Contact : +33 (0)4 91 83 30 21