Scientific Committee

Cirm invites proposals for mathematical events of different durations, in various CIRM programs, and in any branch of mathematics or mathematical sciences.

  • To ensure the best quality in its selection, the Scientific Committee meets twice a year to review proposals for large events (conferences, research schools, thematic months, multi-year programs, CEMRACS and Jean-Morlet Chair semesters). It’s during these meetings that CIRM subsidies are decided upon.
  • Deadlines for calls for proposals are normally set at the middle of April and end  middle of October of any given year, for events that will take place on average two years later. Oral presentations are also organised for applicants to the ‘Jean-Morlet Chair’, ‘CEMRACS’, ‘Thematic Month’ and ‘Multi-Year Programme’ programmes.
  • Proposals received for the ‘Workshops’ and ‘Research in Residence’ programmes (rolling applications) are usually discussed remotely by the Scientific Committee and at various times during the year to ensure a rapid response.
  • The Scientific Council also has an important role in assessing and proposing CIRM’s general scientific policy and works to monitor new developments in basic and applied research and in interactions with other fields, with industry and society at large.

Current members of the scientific committee


  • Hugo PARLIER, Professor, University of Luxembourg (member until May 2027)


  • Frédérique BASSINO, Professor, Université Paris 13 (member until November 2029)
  • Franck BOYER, Professor, Université Toulouse 3 (member till May 2028)
  • François CHARLES, Professor, Université Paris-Saclay (member until November 2029)
  • Julie DESERTI, Professor, Université d’Orléans (member till May 2029)
  • Giulia DI NUNNO, Professor, University of Oslo (member till November 2027)
  • Sourour ELLOUMI, Professor, ENSTA ParisTech (member till May 2026)
  • Mouhamed Moustapha FALL, Professor, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) (member till May 2025)
  • Valentin FERENCZI, Professor, University of São Paulo (member till May 2027)
  • Martin GANDER,Professor,  Université de Genève (member till November 2026)
  • Elisa GORLA, Professor, University of Neuchâtel (member until November 2029)
  • Luc HILLAIRET, Professor, Université d’Orléans (member till November 2029)
  • Ozlem IMAMOGLU, Professor, ETH Zurich (member till May 2029)
  • Alain JOYE, Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes (member till May 2027)
  • Jason P. MILLER, Professor, University of Cambridge (member till November 2027)
  • Angela ORTGEA, Permanent Researcher, Humboldt University (member until November 2029)
  • Ana RECHTMAN, Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes (member till May 2029)
  • Vincent RIVOIRARD, Professor, CEREMADE Université Paris Dauphine (member till November 2025)

Additional members 

Vote on the Jean-Morlet Chair and CEMRACS summer school applications only

The directors of the following local departments: :


Internal  member

Pascal HUBERT, Professor, Cirm’s Director

Invited participants (permanent) from CIRM

The Event Coordinator
The Jean-Morlet Chair & International Coordinator

Contact :

Coordinator of the Scientific Committee

Olivia Barbaroux
Contact : +33 (0)4 91 83 30 00
