CIRM’s local, national and international missions: :
- to share the latest discoveries in mathematical sciences
- to progress on core questions in this discipline
- to prepare ambitious projects in collaboration with other sciences
- to ensure transfer of knowledge towards young researchers and doctoral students.
CIRM’s core activitity: organizing events of various types
- Conferences & Research Schools
Lasting 5 days in great majority with an average of 60 to 90 participants. The calendar for these events is planned two years in advance.
- Workshops
Lasting from 2 to 5 days and more specialized than the conferences / schools, the Workshops welcome between 5 and 50participants. This format is particularly well suited to the activities of Research Groups or ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) actions.
- Residence
Two or three researchers meet for two weeks at CIRM to finalize an article, a book chapter or to launch a new collaboration.
- Thematics sessions
They specialize on particular topics and last several weeks or months. These longer sessions include the CEMRACS, the Thematic Month and the Jean Morlet Chair semesters.
CIRM is a Unité d’Appui à la Recherche (UAR) headed by a director, the only permanent scientist on site.
CIRM is governed by an administrative council.
To implement its scientific policy, CIRM relies on an international scientific committee.