The Chair “Pays du Sud” – new Global South program of Cirm, launched in 2024 by funding of CNRS as part of its multi-year cooperation plan with Africa.
Find details of the CNRS Multiannual Cooperation Plan with Africa here.
This Chair will enable CIRM to host a researcher affiliated with a university or research institute in Global South and a researcher from a French institution (University/CNRS). The chairholder and his/her partner will co-organize research activities around a theme and a project.
The inauguration of this new chair at CIRM in 2024 draws on our experience of the past ten years running the Jean-Morlet Chair, CIRM’s international flagship program, and our many programs with Africa (CIRM-AIMS, CIRM-CIMPA Residences and Fellowships, etc.).
This second edition for 2026, in partnership with CIMPA and granted by the CNRS, will be open to all southern countries.
The Chair, lasting a minimum of one month and a maximum of two months, will be held by a researcher affiliated with an Global South university accompanied by a researcher from a French research organization (CNRS, University). The chairholder has to be a leading mathematician, able to raise high-quality scientific activities around him/her. The pair’s onsite immersion at CIRM will be conducive to scientific creation.
The laureates will be expected to organize events during their stay at CIRM:
- a research school (with > 60 participants from Europe, Africa and the Global South):
5 days. 4 courses. CIRM promotes diversity and inclusiveness: courses should be given by both men and women. This school should also be particularly geared towards young people affiliated with Southern countries (last year of master’s degree, studying for their doctoral degree or having completed it within the last 5 years. The laureate from the southern countries is expected to encourage young people from his/her country to take part in the school, in order to form the basis of future collaborations. The school will be a preparation for the Workshop that will follow. The school courses will be recorded, catalogued and made available to the community via streaming and download.
- a workshop following the research school (with 20-25 participants from Europe and Global South):
5 days. Presentations in the morning, mini-projects in the afternoon. 20 presentations of 50 minutes each over one week + informal discussions. Target audience: mathematicians from European and southern countries working in the same field. The most advanced school participants will take part in the workshop and give a presentation.
- one or two research in residence (2 to 4 participants):
Research in pairs events bringing 2 to 4 people together (these researchers will be invited by the Chairholder), on a topical subject for a period of 2 weeks.
CIMPA-Fellowships: Alongside the program described above, note that 3 calls are to be launched for CIMPA-Fellowships (during the second semester 2025), with the successful candidates joining the Chair program for its entire duration. We believe it is important to welcome participants for two weeks rather than just 5 days.
In order to be accessible to as many people as possible, hybrid mode will be available for the research school and workshop. As the workshop follows the school, young people will be able to immerse themselves fully.
- Travel expenses (up to a maximum of EUR 1,500) and full-board accommodation for the Chairholder for a period of 1 to 2 months.
- The school welcomes around 60 participants, with accommodation and meals paid for up to 40 participants. The workshop welcomes between 20-40 participants, with part of the costs covered.
- Travel costs for some African / Global South participants may be covered on application: including CV, cover letter and 2 supporting letters.
- Accommodation and travel expenses are subsidized for 3 participants for the Research in Residence. Details will be posted on the CIMPA fellowships page.
Additional information
- Duration: 5 days for each event. The research school and workshop will follow one another and CIRM will accommodate participants also on weekends between events.
- Events start on Monday morning around 9am and finish on Friday after lunch or before 6pm.
- Access to an auditorium or conference room.
- Access to seminar rooms of different sizes for work in sub-groups – pre-booking to be made in accordance with CIRM’s vacancies during the week(s) chosen.
- 24/7 access to CIRM’s onsite library. Free access to many journals.
- Photocopying, scanning, printing available.
- Full board from Sunday evening to Friday for participants. Accommodation at CIRM.
- Free Wifi (CIRM and Eduroam)
- Complimentary tea/coffee breaks twice a day. Free tea at all times
Guidelines for the proposal
- Titles in French and English
- Timeline for events :
Chair: 1 or 2 months between 1st of September and 18th of December 2026
- General theme
- Detailed scientific program in English
- Preliminary list of potential and confirmed speakers for the research school and workshop.
- Tentative list of participants (list possible origins for students from the Global South, justifying these places by knowledge of a local master’s degree, a research team on the theme, etc.). Please address this issue with valuable arguments, as one of the long-term objectives of the Chair is to enable the development of collaboration between countries in the Global South).
NB: CIRM is committed to the issue of women’s representation in all the events it hosts, and asks organizing committees to also attach the utmost importance to this.
- Descriptive summary in French and English (these will appear on CIRM’s bilingual webpage)
- (Optional) List of books to be gathered and displayed by the library during the events (pdf file).
- (Optional) List of books to be gathered and displayed at the SMF (French Mathematical Society) counter during the events (pdf file).
- (Optional) Any additional information (in English) that may help your proposal stand out and enlighten the Scientific Committee.
- The proposal can be submitted in several stages. You can save, leave the application and then come back later, until the deadline.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the International Officer.
Unless specified otherwise, please note that all sections should be completed in English.
You will be guided throughout the online submission process. Please note that some sections will need to be completed online. Other sections will ask you to upload one pdf file per type of information.
Evaluation / Selection procedure
After online submission, applications will be examined by a selection committee (CIRM, CIMPA, AMU, CNRS). The decision will be announced on April 22, 2025.
IT problems with the application: IT manager