Cirm welcomes high school students

Cirm dissemination days: since 2013, Cirm has been organizing dissemination events dedicated to middle and high school students, such as the Mercredis mathématiques.

It has decided to continue this action in 2021, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary ceremony of Cirm in October, by creating a whole day of scientific dissemination dedicated to high school students of the Aix-Marseille Academy. The first day took place in 2021 and will be repeated in October 2022.


> At Cirm, Thursday, October 13, 2022, from 9 am to 6 pm, on registration

Mathematical workshops animated by Maths pour tous, IREM and researchers in mathematics
Exhibition « Regards sur les mathématiques, itinéraires méditerranéens
Joseph Fourrier exhibition: « From the French revolution to the digital revolution
Escape game « Mathéopolis
Guided presentation of the treasures of the CIRM library

> Conferences, at Cirm or in YouTube-Live