- CEMRACS 1996 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel) Coupled Problems
- CEMRACS 1997 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel) Shape Optimization
- CEMRACS 1998 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel) Error Estimates and Adaptativity, Wavelets for Scientific Computing, Domain Decomposition Methods and Parallel Computing, Oriented Objects Languages for Scientific Computing
- CEMRACS 1999 (F. Coquel, S. Cordier) Numerical Approximation of Complex Flows, from the Kinetic Description to the Hydrodynamic Limit
- CEMRACS 2000 (R. Abgrall) Environmental Problems: Combustion, Stocking Nuclear Waste
- CEMRACS 2001 (Y. Achdou, C. Le Bris, F. Nataf) Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Multiscale Problems
- CEMRACS 2002 (A. Cohen, P.L. Combettes) Mathematical Methods in Image Processing
- CEMRACS 2003 (S. Cordier, T. Goudon, M. Gutnic, E. Sonnendrücker) Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Problems
- CEMRACS 2004 (E. Cancès, J.-F. Gerbeau) Mathematics and Applications in Biology and Medicine
- CEMRACS 2005 (C.-D. Munz, E. Sonnendrücker, C. Brun, D. Juvé, M. Manhart) Computational Aeroacoustics and CFD in Turbulent Flows
- CEMRACS 2006 (G. Bal, J. Garnier, D. Lucor) Random Modelling and Uncertainty Management
- CEMRACS 2007 (P. Frey, C. Dobrzynski, P. Pébay) Pre and Post Processing in Scientific Computing
- CEMRACS 2008 (B. Maury, C. Misbah, J.-B. Apoung-Kamga, L. Boudin, M. Ismaïl, S. Martin , T. Takahashi) Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Complex Fluids
- CEMRACS 2009 (V. Calvez, M.-A.Dronne, T. Dumont, V. Louvet, P. Vigneaux) Mathematical Modelling of Medecine
- CEMRACS 2010 (N. Crouseille, H. Guillard, B. NKonga, E. Sonnendrucker) Numerical Modelling of Fusion
- CEMRACS 2011 (F. Coquel, M. Gutnic, P. Helluy, F. Lagoutière, C. Rohde, N. Seguin) Multiscale Coupling of Complex Models
- CEMRACS 2012 (S. Descombes, B. Dussoubs, S.Faure, L Gouarin, V. Louvet, M. Massot, V. Miele) Numerical Methods and Algorithms for High Performance Computing
- CEMRACS 2013 (N. Champagnat, T. Lelièvre, A. Nouy) Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems – Stochastic and Deterministic Approaches
- CEMRACS 2014 (M. Campos-Pinto, F. Charles, H. Guillard, B. Nkonga) Numerical Modeling of Plasmas
- CEMRACS 2015 (E. Frénod, E. Maitre, A. Rousseau, S. Salmon, M. Szopos) Coupling Multi-Physics Models Involving Fluids
- CEMRACS 2016 (L. Grigori, C. JaphetNumerical Challenges in Parallel Scientific Computing
- CEMRACS 2017 Numerical Methods for Stochastic Models: Control, Uncertainty Quantification, Mean-field
- CEMRACS 2018 Numerical and Mathematical Modeling for Biological and Medical Applications: Deterministic, Probabilistic and Statistical Descriptions
- CEMRACS 2019 Geophysical Fluids and Gravity Flows
- CEMRACS 2020 Models and Numerical Methods for Particle and Population Dynamics. – Cancelled due to the COVID 19