Le Cirm présent à 7ECM Berlin et relai d’informations – CIRM was at 7ECM Berlin!

Le Cirm a participé au 7e Congrès européen de mathématiques à Berlin, sur le stand « Maths in France », accompagné du CNRS (INSMI) et représentant la SMF, la SMAI et la SFdS. CIRM was present at 7ECM on the « Maths in France » stand with CNRS-INSMI and also represented the French Mathematical Society (SMF), the French Society […]

And last but not least….

Mille mercis à tous ceux qui nous ont rejoints sur le stand « Maths in France » lors du Congrès ou qui nous ont lus sur ce blog! Tschuss! Thanks a million to those of you who came by to see us on the stand « Maths in France » during the Congress and those who read this blog! […]

Next ECM will take place in Slovenia

The Council of the European Mathematical Society met to decide, among other important matters, on the location of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics in 2020. … And the winner is….Portoroz in Slovenia during the week 5-11 July 2020. http://www.8ecm.si/

« Colors of Math »: the film will be showed at 7ECM at 4pm today

Introduced and followed by a Q&A with Ekaterina Eremenko To most people math appears abstract, mysterious. Complicated. Inaccessible. But math is nothing but a different language to express the world. Math can be sensual. Math can be tasted, it smells, it creates sound and color. One can touch it— and be touched by it… This […]

Woman of Mathematics throughout Europe: opening of the exhibition

This wandering exhibition with starting point in Berlin, is curated by Sylvie Paycha, Professor of Mathematics at Potsdam University together with two colleagues Sara Azzali also from the University of Potsdam and Alexandra Antoniouk from the Academy of Science in Kiev, as well as the photographer Noel Matoff.Prof. Paycha interviewed several women mathematicians from all […]